
Addressing the Skills Gap in Nepal: Career Connection Project Equips Youth with Market-Driven Skills

Addressing the Skills Gap in Nepal: Career Connection Project Equips Youth with Market-Driven Skills

शुक्रवार, साउन ३२ २०८१
शुक्रवार, साउन ३२ २०८१
  • Addressing the Skills Gap in Nepal: Career Connection Project Equips Youth with Market-Driven Skills

    Kathmandu / In response to the growing skills gap and the need for more job opportunities within the country, the Career Connection project is making significant strides in empowering Nepalese youth with essential skills. The project, a Global Grant initiative of the Rotary Club of Kathmandu Mid-Town, is focused on bridging the gap between the skills possessed by young people and the demands of the job market. In collaboration with Edulift, a non-profit organization, and private training institutes like Sajilo Academy, the project is committed to addressing this critical issue.

    The current economic scenario in Nepal reveals a pressing need to invest in skills development. Many young people, facing a lack of job opportunities, are compelled to seek employment abroad, leading to a shortage of skilled workers within the country. This shortage forces companies to operate with limited staff, often resulting in lower salaries due to the scarcity of relevant skills in the workforce. This cycle of migration and skills shortage continues to undermine the potential for economic growth in Nepal.

    However, the real challenge is not the lack of job opportunities but the mismatch between the skills that youths have and the skills demanded by the job market. By equipping young people with the right skills, they can secure better employment opportunities within Nepal, contribute to the economy, and reduce the need to seek work abroad.

    The Career Connection project is addressing this challenge by providing targeted skill development and job placement assistance. Recently, the project funded advanced electrical and plumbing training for 20 youths, utilizing a new curriculum and updated equipment. This initiative culminated in job offers from Sajilo Sewa, a service-providing company, with 7 of the 10 graduates accepting full-time positions. This achievement underscores the effectiveness of the program in not only providing vital skills but also ensuring job placement, a critical component in today’s competitive job market.

    In addition, the project supported 24 youths in gaining in-depth training in graphic design and video editing skills that are currently in high demand in the job market. The goal of this training is to empower youths to become self-reliant, with the flexibility to pursue freelance work, especially for those who are also pursuing higher education.
    Further, 25 youths were provided with comprehensive training in accounting at GP Koirala Memorial College, facilitated by Job Snipers, a leader in human resource management. This training aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in the finance sector. 

    Like many initiatives led by Rotary clubs, the Career Connection project by RC Kathmandu Mid-Town is focused on creating a positive impact in the community through vocational training for youths. This project specifically targets youths from financially marginalized backgrounds and those attending government or community colleges. The unique collaboration between private companies and non-profit organizations highlights the power of partnerships in driving meaningful and lasting change.

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